‘Marry Me’ Review

To expand upon my quick thoughts in the video, Marry Me is a romantic comedy film directed by Kat Coiro, based on the graphic novel of the same name by Bobby Crosby and stars Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson, John Bradley, Sarah Silverman, Chloe Coleman, and Maluma. The story follows Kat Valdez, a pop star who decides to marry a stranger holding a “Marry Me” sign after learning that her on-stage partner and fiancé Bastian has been having an affair with her assistant.

Jennifer Lopez is great in the role of Kat Valdez. Marry Me is very similar to the films that got her into the game where she can use her vocal talent as well as play the love interest. The film is very similar to The Wedding Planner, Maid in Manhattan, The Back-up Plan, etc. The role feels like a parody of Madonna in that she is an older singer who is dating and marrying a younger man. There is even a song called “Church” that feels very similar to when Madonna did “Like a Virgin.” Like many of Lopez’s other films, her character is openly Latina. There are even occasions in the film where she speaks Spanish on-screen and that is wonderful to see. Most ethnic singers and films are somewhat whitewashed and their heritage is rarely brought up.

Owen Wilson is great as Charlie Gilbert. He is more like a fish out of water and not hip to why everybody loves the Kat and Bastian. He is your every man who is not attached to social media and only lives to take care of his daughter and teach math. Wilson has great chemistry with Lopez making it easier to suspend disbelief when watching them fall for each other. Would have been nice for the film to delve a little more into his previous relationships as well as it is into that many times.

Chloe Coleman is fantastic as Lou Gilbert. She has great chemistry with Wilson and their onscreen relationship feels very familial. You believe their father-daughter bond is real when they are together. While her role is minimal she acts as a nice foil for her father along with his best friend Parker Debbs and provides much of the comic relief. Coleman has a great future ahead of her if she continues to act.

While the film is called Marry Me it does at times take shots at marriage, but at the same time, it also fights for marriage. Charlie is a divorced man whose marriage just didn’t work out. There was no big fight or infidelity he just states that at a certain point she fell out of love. This is very emotional because it is clear that Charlie was still in love with his wife. Kat on the other hand has been married three times and states that even though her other marriages didn’t work out it is something that she always fights for which is why she continues to try and get married again because maybe she’ll find the one. The film also tries to take a feminist standpoint on marriage but doesn’t get too deep in the subject as to not offend anyone in a major way.

The film does have a catchy soundtrack with all of the songs being sung but either Jennifer Lopez or Maluma. This will help the film be more profitable in the long run as everybody loves a catchy tune. Kat Coiro does a decent job directing, but on occasion uses a panoramic lens to capture the entire room that feels out of place. This happens a few times throughout the film. It would’ve been better for her to have used a wide-angle lens to not have the bubble texture in the middle of the shot.

Marry Me feels like a film that should have been released 20 years ago and I’m not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. The class is mostly enjoyable and the chemistry between the leads is heartwarming. I give Marry Me a Solid 6/10. While it’s not the best romantic comedy ever, it is suitable for a date night. However, if you wish to stay in for date night, it is currently streaming on Peacock.

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